Friday, March 23, 2007

AIESEC Venezuela in Mexico!!!

AIESEC Venezuela in Mexico!!!
Originally uploaded by Spanner Dan.
Well we've made it! We are actually in Mexico.

We are right now in a very nice looking hotel in Guanajuato after about 7 hours in a plane and a night on a party-bus for Mario and Kelly.

We've had our first Mexican street food and Mario and Dan almost died from the spiciness.

Mario is the only Ecuadorian here, and Dan is the only Brit. There are so many people here from all over the Americas it is just amazing, and most of them seem to know Kelly and have to scream quite a lot when they see her. What a star. And all those from the US know about Get Golden so Dan is very happy too :-)

Marlies is also so incredibly excited - she's just running around jumping all over the place with joy at being here. Oh, wait or maybe she's sleeping.

And Frank is sleeping in his hotel room right now.

In about 6 hours is the opening ceremony to kick off this conference that is the first international one for quite a few of us and is going to be an incredible experience for all of us!

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