Wednesday, May 02, 2007

A new AIESEC Venezuela?

Something amazing happened to me at CONAL/SDL this weekend.

I saw an AIESEC Venezuela that is a completely different from what I saw one year ago.

...An AIESEC Venezuela acting like a country.

...An AIESEC Venezuela with spirit.

...An AIESEC Venezuela that is making things happen.

...An AIESEC Venezuela that is going to show the world that we are capable and motivated and right now we are doing incredible, exciting things.

I don’t know where this has come from, but it is somehow there. An unstoppable momentum that is going to take us to amazing places. And it’s being led by all of you. Acting as one unit, helping each other, working towards what we now have – a long term vision, and a plan for how to get there.

I was just smiling all day today thinking about how I feel about AIESEC Venezuela. I genuinely feel excited. I feel proud. I feel committed to AIESEC Venezuela, to all of you. I am looking forward to tomorrow, to the next two months, and to seeing you in Spain in one year with all of you feeling absolutely proud of what you have created - and showing this to the world.

I just want to thank you all simply for being who you are. Incredible, devoted, passionate, committed, fun-loving, hard-working members of AIESEC who are taking AIESEC Venezuela where you want it to go, where it needs to go and where it is going.

Thank you.


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The King said...
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