Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Your MC 2006-2007!

We are here!

All of us.

On Thursday, Antje arrived from Germany, your MCVP People Development. The MC is now complete. We are all sitting right now in our cosy little office that is just buzzing with excitement!

Frank and Antje have been telling us everything that happened at IC - the connections they made, the things they learned, how it all applies to us in Venezuela. So tomorrow, we start (well, continue) putting together our MC plan - based on what we need to do to support you in your plans, input from IC and our national goals (159 baby!). Of course we've also been telling Frank and Antje about how awesomely hard you have all been working with us these last few weekends!

Today, Mario has been planning a proposal for sales training for the whole of AIESEC ER. He says:
"Trabajando con mucha pasion y mucha energia, recuerda que son 159 y cada cosa que hacemos nos a cerca más a nuestra meta."
Dan has been getting really excited about the Valencia event, forgetting his lunch at home and received (another) free book from a guy who's going to run an amazing session on Leadership at the event. He also almost killed Risho with a stapler. Dan's message is:
"Tenemos exactamente lo que las empresas quieren. Haciendo la coneccion es facil. Todos que podemos hacer es ser exitoso! Yo amo AIESEC y los amo a todos."
Risho has been getting trainees from all over the world from Procter & Gamble and working on a session for a learning weekend for USB. Yesterday he finished the format for ET TN segmentation (which is very special). He says:
"En febrero, esperamos 30 trainees in Caracas y el mismo numero en el MABATEC. (Risho's new word for 'interior'). Ya vale la pena crear una estructura para servicio."
Antje has been trying to steal the free books that companies have been giving me. ("borrow" she says, and I have to learn proper Spanish). She's also been all over AIESEC.net and has set the VP-PD Weekend date which is the 21-22 October in Valencia. She's also working on the Faci application for SDL so we can have some cool people from around the world there (hopefully). She says:
"Enforzamos el liderazgo en AIESEC Venezuela!"
Richard has just got back from a weekend a booze, girls and pole dancing on Margarita Island. He also lay on the beach. He didn't even wear any sunscreen. He's been checking the mountains of e-mail he received while he was away and planning our MC team days with Frank. He says:
"Ahorren y no malgasten su dinero, como dice un viejo refran chino, hay que comenzar a subir la montaña como un viejo para llegar como un joven."
Franky-Baby has been blogging (but not here, here), listening to Richard talk about the MC team days and get this, creating and changing communities. He's been having a positive impact on them. And he's been reviewing our ER stuff and planning MC team days. And he's got all the icons on his computer just where he wants. His message:
"Now, more than ever AIESEC could be more relevant to our communities and our country, we just need to focus our energy and our potential... So basically it's up to you!"
This was today in the MC. Thanks everyone!


Kevy Nathalie said...

MC loves Kevy
Kevy loves MC

I miss you guys!

Now, back to my thesis...

Kevy Nathalie

Anonymous said...

Hola chicos, pongan unlink al bolg de trainees de aiesec en caracas:
