Thursday, August 31, 2006

ER Weekend!!!

Well, Mario and I have been working round the clock preparing things for ER Weekend - presentations, sessions, workshops, role calls :-)

We will be doing lots of exciting things, including discussing our national exchange targets (think AIESEC Jaipur!), working out how issue-based exchange fits into and can help us gain results in ER, talking about ALL of our products, national support team roles, and the system and process that is going to revelotionise account management in AIESEC Venezuela, built around a customised version of Check out that web site for some really American training videos to get yourself acquainted with what that's all about.

It is certainly going to be a fully-packed weekend! I am so excited about ER this year. You will see why in just 2 days time!!!

After this huge amount of work we will all do at the weekend, our idea is, on Monday, to go up El Avila. Shout our exchange goals from the top of the mountain for all of Caracas to hear, that sort of thing. So if anybody is free on Monday please join me Risho and Mario for our first trip to Avila Magica. I hear there is a special student price for weekdays.

There weren't enough of you at International Table tonight. I know MCBO, UNITEC and BQTO would all be there if they were here. More next week please.

See you at the weekend ER!! Everyone else, be sure to ask your ER people about all the excitement after they return.

I love ER. If anyone else loves ER, please comment on this blog!

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