Tuesday, July 17, 2007


And is coming with all our ENERGY!!!

Yes! our last meeting with members is coming this weekend and we are just waiting to rock the house... Buuut which house you could probably ask...

Well... What do you think about this:Come and rock the house with us!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Come to Generation!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Thanks Barquisimeto!

I'm very happy right now!

I just did a weekend of training in Barquisimeto. This is a local committee in the unfortunate situation that most of its experienced members seem be suddenly going off on traineeships or otherwise disappearing. What's left is like a clean slate of new members. Members who are so full of ideas and enthusiasm and are doing some really great things. Working with these members reminds me in one sense what it's all about – providing the platform to allow people to make of it what they want. I took two members to their first sales meeting today. I remember my own – the nervousness, the not being quite sure what to say, relaxing during the meeting as I realise the company loves the idea of AIESEC then leaving with that awesome feeling of having done a great job and being part of something really real and valuable and useful to companies.

To everyone in Barquisimeto – thank you for being so enthusiastic and attentive and actively participating so well in the activities I planned. We achieved so much and I am very excited about where you are going to go as an LC! Especially in External Relations – your ideas for positioning AIESEC in the university, to businesses and in communities are exactly what AIESEC needs to be doing in every LC. Club de Idiomas as the shining peak of the strategy is something that can only grow and grow and as a project that addresses the needs of the city it is perfect!

A huge thanks to Miguel (double-M, M2) and to your family. I could not have asked for more perfect hosts for my stay!

The ball in your office is to remind you that the simple act of smiling will bring success in phone calls, networking events, sales meetings and in everything you do! (but I do need it back at TRS, and don’t tell Antje you have it)

Piru, I hope you find another tall person to serve as a distractive force for devious lunch-time cafeteria infiltrations. Rollo is coincidentally almost exactly the same height as me so that should work.

See you all at TRS!


Monday, May 07, 2007

Come to Venezuela!

We currently have 18 internships available in this BEAUTIFUL and SPECTACULAR country!

  • Excellent/Native English speakers - come and teach English here on one of 12 education internships - 3 cities to choose from!

  • If you are from México, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Colombia or Brasil, we have FOUR amazing Marketing internships in Procter & Gamble Latin America to launch your career!

  • Programmers - we need you:

    • Come and lead the web development strategy of Eureka, just one of many amazing NGOs here in Venezuela - Accomodation, food and living costs included!
    • Or, come and work for Ericsson - one of the world's leading telecommunications companies - in a systems development role that gives you freedom to be creative!

Much more coming soon!

Venezuela. MUCH more than just Miss World.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

A new AIESEC Venezuela?

Something amazing happened to me at CONAL/SDL this weekend.

I saw an AIESEC Venezuela that is a completely different from what I saw one year ago.

...An AIESEC Venezuela acting like a country.

...An AIESEC Venezuela with spirit.

...An AIESEC Venezuela that is making things happen.

...An AIESEC Venezuela that is going to show the world that we are capable and motivated and right now we are doing incredible, exciting things.

I don’t know where this has come from, but it is somehow there. An unstoppable momentum that is going to take us to amazing places. And it’s being led by all of you. Acting as one unit, helping each other, working towards what we now have – a long term vision, and a plan for how to get there.

I was just smiling all day today thinking about how I feel about AIESEC Venezuela. I genuinely feel excited. I feel proud. I feel committed to AIESEC Venezuela, to all of you. I am looking forward to tomorrow, to the next two months, and to seeing you in Spain in one year with all of you feeling absolutely proud of what you have created - and showing this to the world.

I just want to thank you all simply for being who you are. Incredible, devoted, passionate, committed, fun-loving, hard-working members of AIESEC who are taking AIESEC Venezuela where you want it to go, where it needs to go and where it is going.

Thank you.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Everything is just craaaazy in the office...

Although, what is getting out of this crazy time is awesome! I mean, really awesome! The conference is gonna be soooo great! you should be here :P

On the other hand there's this crazy idea that the government wants to check our finances... which is actually not the best at this moment buuuuuuut, we'll see, I need to clarify that between today and tomorrow...

Anyway... just wanted to share a little bit... we'll se what happen...

And you know... Come and CONNECT!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Venezuela en México!

Asi es... aqui vienen grandes imágenes de una gran delegación de Venezuela en México!!!

Todos presentes y representando como nunca a AIESEC Venezuela en la región. Felicitaciones a todos por su participación!

Venezolanos en la fiesta formal del AXLDS 2007

Delegación lista para dar lo mejor!!!

CONAL-SDL Conexión 2007 viene con todo!

Así es!

La conferencia esta por empezar y viene con todo... cada vez que revisamos la agenda para discutir puntos relacionados es más emocionante saber que la conferencia se acerca... El evento está quedando genial, imágenes, ánimos, contenido... Todo esta siendo preparado con grandes expectativas...

Es hora de moverse Venezuela, es hora de mostrarle a la red quiés es AIESEC en Venezuela... Execution! that's the main word we should have in our minds... And we are gonna make sure you have that word in your mind all the time during the conference.

esta será una conferencia de...

CONEXIÓN entre AIESEC y nuestro país, Venezuela!

CONEXIÓN entre líderes que generan cambio!

CONEXIÓN entre nuestro potencial y la ejecución!

CONEXIÓN entre ciudadanos responsables que crean soluciones rompiendo paradigmas

Baja información acerca de la conferencia en la siguiente dirección: