Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Everything is just craaaazy in the office...

Although, what is getting out of this crazy time is awesome! I mean, really awesome! The conference is gonna be soooo great! you should be here :P

On the other hand there's this crazy idea that the government wants to check our finances... which is actually not the best at this moment buuuuuuut, we'll see, I need to clarify that between today and tomorrow...

Anyway... just wanted to share a little bit... we'll se what happen...

And you know... Come and CONNECT!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Venezuela en México!

Asi es... aqui vienen grandes imágenes de una gran delegación de Venezuela en México!!!

Todos presentes y representando como nunca a AIESEC Venezuela en la región. Felicitaciones a todos por su participación!

Venezolanos en la fiesta formal del AXLDS 2007

Delegación lista para dar lo mejor!!!

CONAL-SDL Conexión 2007 viene con todo!

Así es!

La conferencia esta por empezar y viene con todo... cada vez que revisamos la agenda para discutir puntos relacionados es más emocionante saber que la conferencia se acerca... El evento está quedando genial, imágenes, ánimos, contenido... Todo esta siendo preparado con grandes expectativas...

Es hora de moverse Venezuela, es hora de mostrarle a la red quiés es AIESEC en Venezuela... Execution! that's the main word we should have in our minds... And we are gonna make sure you have that word in your mind all the time during the conference.

esta será una conferencia de...

CONEXIÓN entre AIESEC y nuestro país, Venezuela!

CONEXIÓN entre líderes que generan cambio!

CONEXIÓN entre nuestro potencial y la ejecución!

CONEXIÓN entre ciudadanos responsables que crean soluciones rompiendo paradigmas

Baja información acerca de la conferencia en la siguiente dirección:



Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Your Deyly Message from the PAI

He's right you know! :-)

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

After an awesome experience!

Hey guys!

Yes!, an awesome experience that now we want to take back to Venezuela... We had an awesome conference, awesome delegates, awesome sessions, dances, parties, venue, etc... This is something that everybody should live.

I'm giving you some images from the premeeting...

This is the conference team... A great team that worked together for several days preparing this awesome experience.

Here you may see some of the facis trying to practice the faci rollcall... We had fun! This was our first office during the premeeting...