Thursday, November 30, 2006

Awesome days!

Hey guys!
We spent AWESOME days last week... We had a great visit here... Finally, after 2 years AI visitied us again, that means that ARAZ (our beautiful regional director) was here, for 10 days!

She arrived on friday 17th at 12 pm, Frank and Frank went to the airport to pick her up (he was a little bit late, shame on you!)... After that Araz and I came back to Caracas, in the office, our little but comfortable office :-) (as you can see we cleaned the office)... We prepared the agenda for her visit and went directly to the first meeting (TRS/IBS Conference team meeting), we were there 'till 12 am (my birthday was starting with an AIESEC meeting, uhu!)

Next two days... Saturday, the best ('cause of my birthday of course), the IBS/TRS started, the sessions, great!, people participating, Araz giving us knowledge to move faster with the Issue Based XPs and Ser Mas! implementation... and the best... The dances!

After some issues that we may solved and some others that we are still solving we had a great weekend. Full of energy and full of ideas and initiatives that the members want to implement ASAP! We were tired at 6 pm already wo we had a fast meeting to check the last feedbacks and go to celebrate my birthday (again)...

During the week... Meeting with Araz to review the identity and the purpose of what we are doing now with the Issue Based XPs and Ser Mas!, cool stories about José and Joel and their XPs had place there. And right after that individual meetings with the Director (coooool!). Long term planning, SN supply, revenue generation, competency model, ER goals, projects, etc. these were some of the topics during the individual meetings.

But it didnt end there... We had meetings with: Alianza Social, Transparencia Venezuela, Cadbury Adams, DHL, Alcatel, Ramón Sosa, Miguel Lascarov (Chair of the S.G.), Ambev (Brahma), Angloamerican and Opción Venezuela. All with different purposes but with really great outcomes, some for support projects, some others for develop projects. but at the end all of them are very interested in partnering with AIESEC somehow. They believe in the impact that we are having in each individual and in the impact that we may have in the society.

We finally have some awesome social moments, we enjoyed the international table with Araz, the same day that she ate an arepa. She had the chance to share with some of teh members and dance for a while Merengue :-). On friday we had the last meetings with Araz, and at the end of the day she had the chance to go to El Hatillo, where she spent a great time in the mountains having some wine.

On saturday morning we woke up early, was beach day!, we went to Higuerote to have our frist social activity as a team. We had a great time there, we slept on the sand and drank under the sun, play in the water and singed GAITAS!... And for the end of the day... funny drinking games prepared by Antje!

Sunday... last day with Araz... time to go back to Caracas... Everybody said goodbye to her and we went directly to the Airport with the former MCP (Ezequiel)... At 3 pm she was boarding the airplane that was taking her to Costa Rica... Right now we know that she's o.k. 'cause she have sent us 15 emails to each of us ;-)

Hopefully we'll have another visit soon :-)... I hope you've enjoyed this as we did... Awesome experience!